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Can You Use Kinvey Backend Service? — Gideros Forum

Can You Use Kinvey Backend Service?

ljp1203ljp1203 Member
edited October 2012 in General questions
Hi all,

I am going to need to use a backend service with my app.

I have looked at a couple and I saw that Parse would suit my needs because of how polished there REST API is.

Now I saw that Gideros uses REST, but could I implement Parse into my app?

When I was a CoronaSDK developer, I could never get Parse to integrate into my app.

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me implement Parse into my app because it would help a lot!


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  • zvardinzvardin Member
    Accepted Answer

    Parse isn't already defined, but if you look at some of the ones already added (such as Kinvey, Firebase, etc.) I believe you could define the necessary API calls for Parse fairly easily.
  • Hi @zvardin,

    Thanks for the quick response!

    I was looking at Parse because it looked a lot simpler then other backend services. But actually,the funny thing about it all,is that i was in constant contact with the Kinvey Senior Engineer, Michael.

    He actually showed me the same GitHub as you did. Now the problem was how I was suppose to implement their servicr into my app.

    That is a question I've had since I started talking to him and also since I was developing in C*SDK. Nobody seemed to know how to do it, and no one answered my forum posts.

    Now that you've answered my question I hope you could answer my next questions too.

    Here they are:

    -How do I implement the Kinvey Backend Service into my app?
    -When I do implement the Kinvey API/RESTful code, how do I add a login button that will send the credentials the user entered,to the server to be authenticated?
    -How would I send things such as dates/times and locations from one user to another? Because my app consists of Social/Travel Integration.

    Sorry that its so much, but I relly need these features.

    Holefully you or another Developer from Gideros can answer this question because just from joining the forum yesterday, I can tell that this is a great and friendly developer community willing to help!


    Dislikes: pykaso

    Lead Coder and Designer
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