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Why there is no debug message anymore when opening Gideros Player from Terminal on Mac? — Gideros Forum

Why there is no debug message anymore when opening Gideros Player from Terminal on Mac?

NascodeNascode Guru
edited October 2012 in General questions
After i upgraded to 2012.09 version and opening Gideros Player from Terminal, somehow i cannot see debug message printed on terminal. I need fps, texture, and refcounting info like always. Is it disabled on newer version?

I think this debug info is useful, would like to see it in windows version too.
have fun with our games~


  • Yes, I also feel weird about it, I thought it is because of Xcode (I update Xcode and Gideros at the same time). Debug messages are not showing up on Xcode for Gideros 2012.09.
  • evsevs Member

    I believe it was removed to not interfere with debugger output from debuggers included in IDE's like ZeroBrane and Lua Glider.

    You can always use:

    Application:getFps() and Application:getTextureMemoryUsage() in your code!


  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited October 2012 Accepted Answer
    I believe it was removed to not interfere with debugger output from debuggers included in IDE's like ZeroBrane and Lua Glider.

    I've only changed the log level of these messages with 2012.09. Therefore, add this line:
    to the beginning of one of g_initializePlugin functions to see these messages again.
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