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how to preload images? — Gideros Forum

how to preload images?

keszeghkeszegh Member
edited October 2012 in General questions
1. My main question is that how can i make sure that let's say during a splash screen every image is preloaded before i go to the main screen. in other words i need something like this for local bitmaps:
"local loader = UrlLoader.new("http://www.giderosmobile.com/giderosmobile.png")
loader:addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete) "

is this possible somehow? thanks

2. sidequestion about file operations:
if i use io.open and then file operations then in the example what does |D| mean? also if i just use this io.open to read/write my config file, when i export to apk do i need to set in android permissions read/write?


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