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GregBUG - suggestion for TNT animator... — Gideros Forum

GregBUG - suggestion for TNT animator...

Tom2012Tom2012 Guru
edited December 2012 in General questions
Hi :-)

At the moment we can specify a frame rate for the entire animation.

It would be great to specify a length of time for each frame.

An example would e something like blinking, where you could specify that the open eye frame has a time of 1000 ms

Just a suggestion and I won't be offended if it's no use! :-)

Keep up the great work!




  • Here's an example where I add a timer at the moment to pause on one frame...
    -- blink timer
    local blinkTimer = Timer.new(3000,math.huge)
    function onBlinkTimer(event)
    	if(not(self.scene.paused)) then
    blinkTimer:addEventListener(Event.TIMER, onBlinkTimer)
    self.blinkTimer = blinkTimer
  • @Tom2012

    thanks Tom for your suggest!

    last weeks i was very busy at work so no time for gideros ( :( )

    hope to back to work on tnt engine for Christmas!

    Likes: gorkem

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