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Platform character move with physics — Gideros Forum

Platform character move with physics

twisttaptwisttap Member
edited December 2012 in General questions
Hello guys, what is the best way to move a character on a platform game using Box2D ? Until now I always stay away from using physics but now I want to give it a try. Which is the best, using applyLinearImpulse, applyForce or setLinearVelocity ?
If anyone have some experience with that and share I will be far more than happy.
Thanks :)


  • hgvyas123hgvyas123 Guru
    Accepted Answer
    setLinearVelocity would be cool to move character constantly in any direction if you have any friction on character or other body consider to setLinearVelocity frequently may be in enterFrame

    applyLinearImpulse would be cool for jumping purpose

    applyForce mostly used to give acceleration to any thing say ball is dropping from top to bottom under gravity or car is picking up speed

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