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Gideros blurring my Bitmap... how to turn it off? — Gideros Forum

Gideros blurring my Bitmap... how to turn it off?

RogerTRogerT Member
edited February 2013 in General questions
Hi guys,
I am loading bitmaps from a large 2048x2048 pix TexturePack using

local pack = TexturePack.new("gfx/vaWalk.txt", "gfx/vaWalk.png", true)

local anim_crawl = {}

for lp=25,74,1 do
anim_crawl[#anim_crawl+1] = Bitmap.new(pack:getTextureRegion("va0"..lp..".png"))

And, at first, the bitmap looks fine, see top image, yet its anchor points are off, see top picture.

But when I try


the bitmap get blurry... any ideas how to fix that? Thanks!

259 x 412 - 136K
g1.png 135.6K


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