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b2.ChainShape and b2.PolygonShape : differences? — Gideros Forum

b2.ChainShape and b2.PolygonShape : differences?

MellsMells Guru
edited March 2013 in General questions

[ b2.PolygonShape ]
I am currently using b2.PolygonShape to detect collisions on my objects.

[ b2.ChainShape ]
I am using b2.ChainShape to create world boundaries.
See : [ Objective ]
I would like to merge a few classes, and would like to know if :
  1. Could b2.ChainShape be an alternative to b2.PolygonShape or are they fundamentally different?
    Can I replace PolygonShape with ChainShape (for squared collision boxes) and expect my collisions to be detected the same way?
  2. Other than world boundaries, what would have been the purpose of ChainShape in the first place?
I never thought chain shape could be used like this (commenting on creating world boundaries)
ps : sorry, I know I ask a lot of questions. Hopefully you won't see me that often here in the future.
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