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Images compression — Gideros Forum

Images compression

MysiaGamesMysiaGames Member
edited April 2013 in General questions
I have a project with many big images. At this point I need to reduce the amount of memory waste on graphics. And i'm not talking about texture pack, using PNG or JPG. I'm talking about using this method to use less memory mobile in our graphics:

ETC1 (Ericcson texture compression). This format is supported by all Android phones. But, It doesn't support an alpha channel, so can only be used for opaque textures.
PVRTC (PowerVR texture compression). Supported by devices with PowerVR GPUs (Nexus S, Kindle fire...).
ATITC (ATI texture compression).Used in devices with Adreno GPU from Qualcomm (Nexus One...).
S3TC (S3 texture compression). This texture compression is used in the NVIDIA chipset integrated devices (Motorola Xoom...)

I think the same is valid for iOs system. Is any of those formats available to work with Gideros? How to do?

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