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To Browser and Return — Gideros Forum

To Browser and Return

CyberienceCyberience Member
edited May 2013 in General questions
I picked up the following description on how to make a call back from safari to the app.
Though calling the app is easy, if I call the browser to go to a specific page on my server, and then they click to switch back, will bring my app to the front, but any one any ideas how we would create a page reference or grab the handle?
For an iOS app, you can create custom URL schemes that your app register with the system. Then on the web page you would create a link using that custom URL. That is how Apple launches the telephone.app or the mail.app from mobile safari.
For example: Let say your app is call BigBadApp. You custom URL would be: bigbadapp:// Now, you could create a link to your app would be: <a href="bigbadapp://launchedfromsafari">Launch BigBadApp</a> You can pass any kind of information back to your app using the custom URL and your app will handle that information in the app delegate. For iOS 4.2 and later: application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:. The name of old delegate on earlier version of iOS is application:handleOpenURL:
GYI the reason I have to do this is the app I am asked to build requires the ability to play introduction Videos, so I will web wrap them, and as we don't have a uiWebView control, I dont have any other choices, Plus i also need it to work on Android :(
REAL programmers type copy con filename.exe
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