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Sound in Gideros — Gideros Forum

Sound in Gideros

gmarinovgmarinov Member
edited June 2013 in General questions
It's still too basic!
When I put my sound person hat on, I can feel my hands tied.
When I put my programmer hat on, I facepalm at the time I need to spend to make some basic concepts work.

There's no need for FMod here, but there are basics beyond the current SoundChannel (thanks for that at least!).
For instance:
- loop markers or ability to set loop points programmatically _within_ the same sound, in samples, not ms
- play once from start to end point (in samples, not ms) within the same sound file - basic variation
- x,y(,z) distance attenuation and pan model - attach sound to sprite

@atilim and @gorkem , how can we work with you to make Gideros better for sound?

Likes: moopf

http://esem.name/sound ♫ sound and music at ShadyLabs (Clouds of Steel, Aftermath Alvin)
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