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Can't install iOS Player — Gideros Forum

Can't install iOS Player

john26john26 Maintainer
edited August 2013 in General questions
Sorry for the newb question. I'm trying to install Gideros iOS player on my iPad and can't get it to work. Xcode keeps saying

"A valid provisioning profile matching the application's identifier 'com.giderosmobile.GiderosiOSPlayer' could not be found"

I initially created a provisioning profile associated with app ID com.simpleinteractive.* (wildcard) but this did not work. I tried changing the settings in GiderosiOSPlayer-info.plist so that it would look for com.simpleinteractive instead but this had no effect. That is, whatever I change "bundle Idenfier" to it still looks for com.giderosmobile.GiderosiOSPlayer. Xcode seems to ignore all settings in .plist and continue to look for com.giderosmobile.GiderosiOSPlayer.

So I then tried it the other way and created a provision based on App ID com.giderosmobile.* but this didn't work either (same error message). Finally I tried a specific App ID com.giderosmobile.GiderosiOSPlayer but the Apple website would not generate this for me (perhaps because others have already made this app?). I then tried com.giderosmobile.GiderosiOSPlayer2 which it did create but back in Xcode same problem, it still needs com.giderosmobile.GiderosiOSPlayer even when I make changes in .plist.

Can anyone help with this, there seems to be no way to do it!

I must be missing something obvious...


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