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Google wallet settings(Am I getting tricked?) — Gideros Forum

Google wallet settings(Am I getting tricked?)

zoolaxzoolax Member
edited August 2013 in General questions
I get some messages in google wallet like this,Dose the user gets the app and then cancel the payment.
so developer gets screwed ,is there any thing in setting that I can change?

Aug 26 8:41 AM Cancelled The order was delivered.
Aug 26 8:41 AM Cancelled You cancelled this order. Reason: Customer request to cancel.
Aug 26 8:37 AM Chargeable The order was delivered.
Aug 26 8:37 AM Chargeable The customer's credit card was authorized for ¥99 and passed all risk checks.
Aug 26 8:37 AM Pending You received a new order. Google has sent the customer an order confirmation email.

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