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Autoclose on device — Gideros Forum

Autoclose on device

xGuiltxGuilt Member
edited September 2013 in General questions
So, the other day i exported my project to eclipse then exported it as a signed APK to test on my actual device but i've encountered a problem. You see, i'm not getting any error message or anything but the app just suddenly closes on some of the scenes while the other scenes are working just as intended.

I've tried going through the codes but i can't seem to find any similarity between the three that would cause this problem. I've attached the rar file below containing all three lua that causes the autoclose. So far i can say this.

on the gameIII.lua it automatically closes when the scene is called.
on level_select.lua it's the same as gameIII.
on intro.lua it auto closes after the "elseif (sets:get("ch1scene") == 3) then" line. The whole block of code.
Can anyone help me or tell me what is causing the autoclose?


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