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globalToLocal : preserve scale — Gideros Forum

globalToLocal : preserve scale

MellsMells Guru
edited October 2013 in General questions

I hope I'm not asking something ridiculous (for once).
I am using globalToLocal to preserve the position of a sprite (mySprite) when I add it to a new parent (myParent).
This works as expected.

However, the scale of myParent is applied to mySprite. I would like to keep mySprite at the exact coordinates, scale, everything as it was before changing its parent.
I found some ways to get the expected result, but I would like to know if there is a built-in way to achieve it?
Something more efficient and straightforward, to complete the goal of the globalToLocal function.

(and now @ar2rsawseen is going to tell me that the solution was right under my nose.
I'm getting prepared.

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