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Apple icon — Gideros Forum

Apple icon

zoolaxzoolax Member
edited October 2013 in General questions
What is the easiest way to add icons to your Xcode projects,I have placed all of them
In the root folder but they do not get identified by Xcode when I try to validate it,I added them manually from inside Xcode
But,it only let's me add just two.
And if I build a universal built naturally customer would get a bigger package,do you have any solution to that?

Thanks in advance.


  • I use http://makeappicon.com/ for generate both Android and iOS icons.

    I just copy to root folder the icons and add later from Xcode.

    Likes: phongtt

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  • I got this email from apple:
    "iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5. New iPhone apps and app updates submitted targeting iOS 6 and above must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image with the -568h size modifier immediately following the portion of the launch image's filename. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and iOS App Programming Guide."

    I have not used xcode in a while since I have been focusing on android,so this is all seems so fresh to me.
    If I include a launch image,
    and in gideros project settingd,
    I just set the iOS for ipad&iphone,scaleMode = stretch would it solve this problem?
  • Use Default-568h@2x.png images when you export Project from Gideros Studio.

    It is a simple black screen but it works.
  • john26john26 Maintainer
    I've just been wrestling with this myself. It seems Gideros does not output any placeholder icons in the project like it does with Android. I would recommend adding placeholders as it removes one headache from users.

    The situtation has become more complex recently with the introduction of iOS 7 which seems to use a different icon size. So you now have to include more icons than before. Here is a discussion


    I recently submitted an iOS 6.1 app so did not supply the extra icons. I'll see if Apple complains about this... My version of Xcode is 4.6 which supports iOS 6.1 maximum so I cannot compile for iOS 7 anyway.

  • Having just done this for 2 iOS7 apps, and having to wade through the confusion of new icons sizes and arguing strenuously with the Xcode 5 Asset Library system (for some reason, it wouldn't let me embed iPad icons into the iPhone app, so I could have nice crisp retina icons on the iPad), I found the easiest solution for the full iOS6 and iOS7 *icons* is to use the Mac App Store app Prepo.


    Drop the 1024x1024 PNG, and it'll generate all the sizes (just like http://makeappicon.com/ that @jdbc suggested.)

    BUT … the useful extra thing is the Copy PLIST button in the top right corner. That generates the plist entries that you then insert into your NameOfYourApp-Info.plist file, which saves all the mucking around and inserting them into Xcode one by one. Then add the icons into your project by dragging them into your project and making sure "Copy into project" is selected, and you're good to go.

    As for this question:

    If I include a launch image,
    and in gideros project settingd,
    I just set the iOS for ipad&iphone,scaleMode = stretch would it solve this problem?

    It really depends on the UI of your app. Not every app's user experience would work by being stretched. You should try it out in the Xcode Simulator and preferably a real iPhone 5+ device to check for edge cases.

    Hope this helps,

    - Ian
  • john26john26 Maintainer
    > for some reason, it wouldn't let me embed iPad icons into the iPhone app, so I could have nice crisp retina icons on the iPad

    Wouldn't it be better to create a universal app?
  • @john26 Well, the client commissioned an iPhone app, not an universal iPad/iPhone app. All the user interface design and artwork supplied was for iPhone, not iPad. When they have enough $$ for the iPad app as well, then they'll get a universal one. (Or possibly two apps. It depends on their marketing strategy.) (-:

  • john26john26 Maintainer
    OK, I see. If they decide not to pay for a separate iPad app it might be good to just create a universal app with stretch mode. Not ideal but (IMO) looks better than an iPhone app covering a fraction of the screen (until user presses x2 button).

    Good luck anyway. Hopefully your client will market the app heavily ensuring lots of downloads...
  • ianchiaianchia Member
    edited October 2013
    @john26 Actually under iOS7 on an iPad, iPhone apps automagically appear only as a 2x app using the retina assets, so they appear nice and sharp on an iPad 2 and iPad Mini. They no longer have the option to render as a 1x zoom on those two devices. Only iPads 3&4 provide the 2x zoom button anymore.

    Take a look at the iPhone app if you're interested. It's mentioned on this thread:


    - Ian
  • john26john26 Maintainer
    I didn't know about that, interesting. My daughter plays Soosiz on her iPad mini. It was only made as an iPhone app so she uses the x2 button to play it (we are still on iOS 6). She can play at x1 but that is a bit silly.

    For my own game, I produced a universal app with Gideros set to "pixel perfect" scaling so on iPad there is no distortion but some wasted space at the edges. So the effect is very similar to if I had produced an iPhone app with user pressing "x2" button -- except that my background image covers the whole screen. There are no black bars on the iPad. I figured this looked best.

    I can see Apple is blurring the lines between "iPhone only" and "universal" apps with iOS 7.
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