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Gideros future features — Gideros Forum

Gideros future features

VenorcisVenorcis Member
edited December 2013 in General questions

I have a few questions about some of Gideros' development. I might have asked some of these questions before, but this is still actual:
- Will Gideros support Android x86 devices(/emulation), and when?
- Will the JSON plug-in support error handling, and when?
- Will Gideros provide events for device-rotation, and when?

These are all vital for the application development with Gideros at my company. Thanks in advance for answering.

Kind regards,
Vincent Koeman

PS. I also still have errors when using the UrlLoader on Windows Gideros Player; see http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/3926/urlloader-error#Item_5


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