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Android development...with no android? — Gideros Forum

Android development...with no android?

HarrisonHarrison Member
edited January 2014 in General questions
I want to make a app, but I am stuck. I have a iphone, but no Mac, and no android. (I also have another iphone with a broken wifi recever and screen)
I think I'm going to make a android app because a Mac is too expensive. But do I need a android? If so,
1.can I turn my old iphone into a android?
2.what androids are really cheap without being a piece of garbage with a android logo stamped onto it?
3.can I trade my broken iphone for a android?
4. Should I get a Mac instead?

I'd imagine owning a android would be handy in testing, and when showing people. Developing a app for a os that I don't ever use just doesn't feel right, ya know?
“ The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. ” - Tom Cargill


  • hi there are lots of advantages in android for the beginners like you don't need mac,no need of developer account so starting cost is much less than developing for ios if you are not much confident about your game of app that it can give back all of your investment then going for android in starting is good idea and if budget is not issue go for both also if you can manage to find mac and install gideros player in your device you can go for ios however you need mac when you want to use any plugins or want to upload the app
  • jdbcjdbc Member
    edited January 2014
    I recommended to buy a 7'' or 9'' Android tablet because Android emulator is really slow.
  • Although it seems to be a bit slow for me to use (probably due to location) but you can test stuff on Samsung android devices here developer.samsung.com/remotetestlab/rtlDeviceList.action
    I'd recommend getting your own android device though even a cheap small one just for testing at the least.
  • NinjadoodleNinjadoodle Member
    edited January 2014
    I'm currently testing on a Galaxy S1 and a Galaxy S3.

    I think the Galaxy S1 is priced reasonably cheap now and its a good phone to test on as a lower end device :) You can probably get a second hand one somewhere for less than a $100.

    I honestly recommend getting your self one, as testing over wifi is awesome.

    It a very different feel that testing in the simulator and you can quickly figure out whether things feel right or not.
  • HarrisonHarrison Member
    edited January 2014
    Galaxy S1? ok, ill look into it. Testing via wifi sounds extremely satisfying. Any androids similar to a ipod? The S1 sounds like it will work though.

    I think this forum is the best forums i've ever seen on the internet. why? Due to all of the friendly and extremely helpful people using it :D Some of the forums are the exact opposite of this one. *shudder* I hope that someday (if i get to be awesome at this) i will be able to contribute tons to this forum.
    “ The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. ” - Tom Cargill
  • jdbcjdbc Member
    edited January 2014
    I use a Samsung Galaxy Ace for mobile devices and Yarvik Android Tablet 10'' for tablet, but I think is a best option to use Galaxy S1 for testing.
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