Hi guys
I'm just looking for some feedback to one of my dilemmas, so any responses would be greatly appreciated

I've decided on Gideros as my porting tool of choice, because In my time searching, I've not found a tool as complete / bug free and straight forward.
Right now I'm making games in Flash/AS3 and want to start expanding to devices. Especially my current series - ClickPlayTime.
Originally I was also hoping to port to HTML5, Desktops and maybe Windows Phones.
Here are some of my questions ...
- Is there a chance Gideros will support these platforms (HTML5 / Desktops / Win 8 Phones / TIZEN) at some point in the future?
- In your opinion, is it currently worth my time worrying about porting to platforms other and Android and IOS?
- If yes, is it better for me to wait until Gideros supports these platforms, or do I find an additional tool for the extra porting?
- Any other feedback/wisdom on porting etc. would be awesome

Thank you heaps in advance!
1) Desktop most probably will be supported.
Win 8 phones also on the road map.
HTML5, no matter how much I really want to push it to Gideros for now it seems quite far and even if it will be supported it could be quite limited (either running only in specific browsers, or will need plugins to be installed before running in the browser (well that won't be an HTML5 then
2) Android and IOS are definitely most popular, and in my opinion the third one most important could really be HTML5, but that again depends, other will say Desktop with MacAppstore and Steam might bring you more options and monetization than HTML5
3) that depends on your priorities, if your priority is android and ios, probably you don't need to wait.
4) Gideros has a quite similar concept with Stage and hierarchy to AS3, so to port AS, it should be either Gideros or some Adobe provided way to port
HTML5 can be financially rewarding via sponsorships. I was able to get quickly a few hundred USD with one game and others have made a living with creating HTML5 games and sellig non-exclusive licenses.
Thanks for the feedback!
@ar2rsawseen - I've definitely noticed the similarities between Gideros and Flash. I love the way Gideros does movieclips and sprites. I can easily setup my levels the same way I would in Flash. I started porting using Gideros already and so far it's going well
@MikeHart - Cool, thanks for the info. I've been looking at Construct 2 as an additional tool. It ports to most other platforms using html5. I want to make this process as easy as possible and don't want to spend my life porting (I would have already made a Flash and Gideros version haha). I do however realise that there is no "one tool" that will do a magic job.
Do you guys have any experience with HTML5/desktop porting? Like I said, Construct2 looks very good. There is also Fusion 2.5 from Clickteam, which ports to basically everything (I don't like the fact that you can't use different graphic assets for HD mobiles tho). What tool would you guys use as a supplement to Gideros?
Thanks again!
Also, just to clarify - I am definitely using Gideros to port to IOS and Android, just looking for an easy to grasp tool to port to the other platforms. There are so many around that it makes it hard to decide. It's hard being a one man band
If you want to stick with Lua then look into Löve, Moai and @john26 's tool.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Thanks very much for all the feedback and suggestions! I've had a look at all of them. I think at this point, I'm just going to concentrate on doing my Gideros port (Android, iOS) and when I'm done, I'll try to make a decision on what additional tool I need.
There is still so many choices and some of them have an impressive number of target platforms, but none click with me like Gideros does.
From the integrated IDE to the instant testing and multiple sets of graphics, it really is an awesome tool.
I'm might end up going with something visual e.g. Construct 2, to take my game to HTML5, because I really don't want to have to redo all the code for a 3rd time haha.
BTW - does Monkey X support multiple graphic sets like Gideros? (e.g. @2x, @4x etc.)
I tried learning Monkey, but I can't seem to figure out where to start.
The multiplatform deploy is great, but the game engine shipped with it (mojo) is really low level and rough around the edges and that's why I'm writing my own on top of it.
Have a look if you're interested:
Definitely not for everyone though. Gideros is much more friendly.
Not sure if you saw these videos, but they are a great resource to get the concepts of Monkey:
@gianmichele: Good start on your framework. About mojo, it is not a game engine/framework, but just a graphics api. And there it does a great job.
When you see how many platforms Monkey X supports and that you get the full source to it and can change/add things yourself, then you have to look very far to see a similar toolset. If there is one that exists.
We actually have lots of complaints that we provide project export and allow users more freedom on their projects, and not simply exporting the final app binary without allowing them to change anything
In reality majority want whats easier, not whats better
Likes: ar2rsawseen
In flash I use Tweenmax - In Gideros I can use Gtween, so perfect
I've tested the fps on my game and I'm getting 60fps on Galaxy S3 and about 55fps on Galaxy S1. This is much better than what Adobe Air gives me.
I've tried a LOT of frameworks before finding Gideros, including the other beer one, as you guys call it. Apart from a few issues, I liked it, BUT the workflow etc. in Gideros is SOOO much better.
I really think that once Graphics 2.0 comes along and (if) Gideros starts supporting more platforms, it will become a very serious competitor to most tools out there.
I think HTML5 "might" be an important one, because with it you can reach pretty much all devices. The performance might not be there yet, but if HTML5 was an export option people might use it to go to Tizen / Web / Desktop etc.
I'm still learning, and the huge fragmentation these days freaks me out a bit, but since Flash seems to be on it's way down, HTML5 might tie it all together.
Likes: SinisterSoft, ar2rsawseen