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using gdrexport to add icon and launch image files. — Gideros Forum

using gdrexport to add icon and launch image files.

PremalPremal Member
edited May 2014 in General questions

Is it possible to use gdrexport to add icon (ios & android)and launch image files ( for ios )

I am able to do this manually but I would like gdrexport to be one stop shop or some other script way which i can add icons and any other required file.

Any ideas/suggestions ?


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @Premal there must be such script that does the icon placement, unfortunately I have not used any of them. But most probably they are using native command line to copy and modify files, thus it should be possible to also include gdrexport line to them to complete the workdlow with exporting the app.
    But as I said, I don't know any of the real applications, maybe somebody else will have a better knowledge ;)
  • PremalPremal Member
    @ar2rsawseen There are two things that need to happen to add the icon to the app
    for ios - the files have to be first added to the xcodeproj - this i achieved by using the python script available here - github.com kronenthaler/mod-pbxproj
    Then the info.plist had to be given these files as references. This requires another simple python script ( which i have yet to write but i achieved the same by manually editing plist file ) ..

    For android - its matter of copying the file of right size to right folder.

    It would really help to gideros's cause if this is part of gdrexport as there might be ios newbies ( like me :) ).

    The reason i expect gdrexport to do it as its already doing it for the launch files.

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