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Limiting Play Store Devices — Gideros Forum

Limiting Play Store Devices

adityaaditya Member
edited June 2014 in General questions
1) Removed armv6 support by deleting armeabi from library
2) Supported OpenGl 2.0 and above by putting this in the manifest
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" />
3) Set minSdkVersion to 14 (ICS)

Checked in Sony ST25i now and it crashes the phone, but does not show 'not compatible with this device'. Able to download on this phone, which shouldn't happen.

What do you guys generally do to limit the unsupported devices on android?
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  • On Google Play's Developer Console,
    there is "Supported devices" at APK tab in your game.

    But that would be hellish to manage, i think. lol.
  • adityaaditya Member
    edited June 2014
    Yup. Even after the above limit, still have 3000+ devices. Manual filtering is definitely out of the question...:)

    [Edit: More specifically, there might be more devices like Sony ST25i (which is armv7 btw). So I guess am asking for more filter parameters so the unsupported devices would not be able to download from the play store.]

    [Update: Also not working on LG-E612, again armv7]
    Loon Games LinkedIn Facebook Twitter - "Something bit me, gaah!"
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