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AdsInterface after Admob is made fully dependent on Google Play Services ( August 1st 2014 ) — Gideros Forum

AdsInterface after Admob is made fully dependent on Google Play Services ( August 1st 2014 )

AniketAniket Member
edited June 2014 in General questions
Will admob ads work on devices without google play services installed? Do they work right now if the ad interace is used?


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    that is very interesting question
    When at first I read about old admob closing on August, it was stated that implemented apps would still get ads, now it seems that they won't and you would have to resubmit with new admob

    And then about new admob, it is stated that it won't work without Google Play Services on device, but some folks report that it does, only raises a warning, but seems to be working great.

    So lots of confusion here and unfortunately I don't have not Google Play device (like kindle or nokia x) to test it :(

    Likes: Aniket

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