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function onTransaction(event) if event.transaction.state == StoreKit.FAILED then"error ",event.errorDescription , "Ok"):show() else if event.transaction.state == StoreKit.RESTORED then"title", "You had restored UnlockStages", "Ok"):show() end sceneManager:changeScene("optionScreen", 1, SceneManager.fade, easing.linear) end storekit:finishTransaction(event.transaction) storekit:removeEventListener(Event.RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS_COMPLETE, onTransaction) end if application:getDeviceInfo() == "iOS" then storekit:addEventListener(Event.RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS_COMPLETE, onTransaction) end storekit:restoreCompletedTransactions()
And is there any error message? At least is it a Lua crash or native crash?
it's native crash
when i call storekit:restoreCompletedTransactions() my game crash
and also i have put alertDialog in onTransaction to know error but it's not working