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About Facebook with Android — Gideros Forum

About Facebook with Android

yaxxaryaxxar Member
edited August 2015 in General questions
Hello, I m working in the final steps for my game Nash n' Go, now I have a little issue and I don t know how can I solve it, the thing is that, I trying in my game with a Share Score button and my code is just like that:
facebook:dialog("feed", {
			message = "Try to beat my score: " .. score .. " in " .. self.mode .. " mode!",
			link = "<a href="https://www.facebook.com/BalamGamesMX"" rel="nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/BalamGamesMX"</a>,
			picture = "<a href="http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u229/Yazzar/igacomida_zpsu81nwsd9.png"" rel="nofollow">http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u229/Yazzar/igacomida_zpsu81nwsd9.png"</a>, 
			name = "Try to beat my score: " .. score .. " in " .. self.mode .. " mode!",
			caption = "Try to beat my score: " .. score .. " in " .. self.mode .. " mode!", 
			description = "Wanna avoid some boring time? Just try to avoid evil enemies!"
I put the same line in all the parameters where I can to show it in the Facebook wall (Wife´s wall cause I don t have Android device), but the feed only shows a link to my company page without any custom message from my game.

What I´m doing wrong?



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