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Ads Interface - Vungle — Gideros Forum

Ads Interface - Vungle

adityaaditya Member
edited September 2015 in General questions
Got this from Google:

Security alert
This is a notification and a warning that your app utilises a version of the Vungle ad library containing a security vulnerability. Please migrate your app to Vungle v.3.3.0 or higher as soon as possible. Beginning 11 Nov 2015, Google Play will block publishing of any new apps and updates that use pre-3.3.0 versions of Vungle.
REASON FOR WARNING: Violation of the dangerous products provision of the Content Policy and section 4.4 of the Developer Distribution Agreement.
We have integrated ads interface. The changelog (Click here to Visit) shows changes in the nomenclature.

Could vungle be officially updated in the ads interface @ar2rsawseen?
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