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3D Obj Export in a Project from Gideros possible? — Gideros Forum

3D Obj Export in a Project from Gideros possible?

NoctisNoctis Member
edited September 2016 in General questions
I decided to post this question because i want to program a 3D modeling application. Is it possible to create something like this in Gideros? Inside the "processing ide" it exists an Obj export from "nervoussystem", but i really want to use Gideros because i want to target android, too. Besides, the nervoussystem addon has much bugs.
Would be really nice, if someone can help me out with that :)
Noctis (Alex)


  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    A 3D modeler made with Gideros! Great idea, and I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible, whatever the export format would be, and wavefront .obj format is one of the simplests.
  • Hey hgy29,
    thanks for your answer. I'm really happy that gideros can handle this. Yes, obj is the easiest, and i want to use this format. I will take a look how the obj format is written and maybe i can write my own exporter in the next time :)
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