This is my first game I have ever created and published.
I would like to give my special thank to Gideros, our community and all of you guys (especially
@ar2rsawseen - I used a lot of thing shared from him and his website
Would you please try my game and leave feedback?
Thank you so much.
Defend our beloved earth by firing missiles against the deadly alien ships.
Fun and easy gameplay, a good game to relax and free your mind from your busy life.
There are many bonuses and power ups for you to discover:
- Bonus gift boxes randomly appear and add a random score depending on your luck.
- Three types of power ups randomly appear when you continuously shoot down a target:
+ Supernova: destroy everything in a second
+ Titanium missile: break through all enemies
+ Ice storm: freeze and slow down enemies
And one final thing, beware of the enemy warp gate, they warp alien ships into earth faster, making it harder to defend.
Icon and Feature graphics look awesome, but there are no screenshots in Google Play.
Likes: thanhquan1512
Likes: thanhquan1512
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Maybe need to make it a little easier from the start?
Likes: thanhquan1512
I think too easy will make player bored, so I make it a little challenge to increase replayability
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Your English description is ok, but would you like me to correct a few sentences for you? Don't mean to offend you by this.
Likes: thanhquan1512, gorkem
Likes: thanhquan1512
Likes: thanhquan1512
Likes: thanhquan1512
Is it me or have there been a lot more Gideros android releases lately?
Likes: thanhquan1512
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
@fuzzeemic: You are very welcome
@Scouser: Of course it's hard to shoot on a large screen, i think so
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I have only made small changes to certain words and punctuation that just didn't fit the sentence. Someone might do a better job then me yet!
Defend our beloved earth by firing missiles against the deadly alien ships.
Fun and easy gameplay, a good game to relax and free your mind from your busy life.
There are many bonuses and power ups for you to discover:
- Bonus gift boxes randomly appear and add a random score depending on your luck.
- Three types of power ups randomly appear when you continuously shoot down a target:
+ Supernova: destroy everything in a second
+ Titanium missile: break through all enemies
+ Ice storm: freeze and slow down enemies
And one final thing, beware of the enemy warp gate, they warp alien ships into earth faster, making it harder to defend.
Likes: thanhquan1512
@Teranth: thank you
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Congratulations - your game looks fantastic. Love the art style. :-)
Thank you very much and again, sorry if this is abuse
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Likes: hgvyas123
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Likes: thanhquan1512, nguyennb
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- Add in-app rating/review button => increase user reviews and interaction
- Add new medal system which will be awarded at specific condition => encourage player to play more and more.
- Add new game mode, new power up and some minor features.
- Translate description into other common languages. In my opinion, people who doesn't know English prefer searching keywords in his native language. So I hope this improvement could bring me good download rate
Thank guys
Likes: phongtt, yvz5, hgvyas123
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Likes: thanhquan1512
Likes: thanhquan1512
@yvz5: do you mean blank in game area? Could you tell me what component is blank? Thank you.
For your information, my target resolution is 320x480 and 640x960 so if it not fit with your screen, you will see black background outside game area.
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