Couldn't find it in Github -> gideros/giderosplugins. I'd like to look for the two find dialog bugs.

The dialog running away and sometimes no focus on 'find next' for the enter key.
Lol, I'm stupid. It's just in /gideros.
PS: It seems to be a QT issue that in contrast to the notepad find dialog, clicking Cancel will make the Cancel button keep to have focus the next time the find dialog shows up. Would go hand in hand with the dialog drifting away.
Do you think there could be added something like:
this->setPlacement(really_where_it_was_when_i_closed it);
This would be cool.
and used here:
I can reproduce focus on cancel, but I don't understand how to make drifting away?
When I close it (escape key, cancel) and hit ctrl+f again, it will be place something like 20 pixels more right and down. After 20 times it has moved from the middle of the screen to outside the screen.
I've seen that "drifting" with window placements, when you open lots of windows. Win32 will give them consecutive placements to show them all. (But they will continue at the top left and not go outside.) Maybe QT does something simmilar itself or sets some improper windows style.
Placing it back again would probably be a bad kind of fix. Hm. But it would probably work. (after ->show(); in the mainwindow.cpp, not like my wrong code in the post above, because the real FindDialog() just set's up the qt event stuff, once. I should not write senseless posts.