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local W = 4 -- amount of columns local TILE = 64 -- tile size stage:setX(TILE) local layer = stage:addChild(layer) math.randomseed(0) for i = 1, W do local px =, 1, TILE, TILE) px:setX((i - 1) * TILE) layer:addChild(px) end local oldX = 0 local rt = * TILE, TILE, true, true) local btm =, W * TILE, TILE) btm:setY(TILE * 2.5) layer:addChild(btm) stage:addEventListener("mouseDown", function(e) oldX = e.x rt:draw(layer) end) stage:addEventListener("mouseMove", function(e) local dx = e.x - oldX local x = btm:getTexturePosition() btm:setTexturePosition(x + dx, 0) oldX = e.x end) |
From hgy29 space shooter tutorial on the wiki:
he uses a texture with wrap:
local"gfx/star_far.jpg",true, { wrap=TextureBase.REPEAT })
then in the game loop:
You can try to save your generated pixels to a texture then use it like hgy29 did. This will work for any size
I kinda find the solution, but it requires to set width of RT to power of 2 number and then calculate proper tile size.
So that works:
Anyways, I have managed to do this thing
But I have strange problem xD Colors are different.
Likes: hgy29, MoKaLux