This is not at all a technical question about In-app rather a generic one.
There was an article doing the rounds of twitter and the interwebs about a developer that had a #15 game and made about $400,000 on a daily/monthly basis (even on a monthly basis that is impressive). So I do understand that In-app purchases just like the apps, if they work they will work.
The question is, how does it work for an average app, please do not misconstrue this statement, if Angry Bird and this Racing game make > $1000 a day, after all the stress and extra work that goes into the app and the in-app purchases, what is the best that an average app makes? Do we have any success stories here? Is it worth the effort to add in-app purchases?
There are a couple of developers that have been asking for In-app purchases and a couple that have quite a few apps on the store, so would you want to share your feedback/stories about how the App store has treated you?