TTFont seems to ignore the current logical scale in effect. In my app, everything works to a logical dimension of 320,480, and at other physical resolutions, the shapes, sprites, and such all scale accordingly to the hysical resolution of the device. Good 'nuff. But the fonts are out of proportion (they appear smaller at the higher resolutions). should scale the font size by application:getLogicalScaleX() (or something to that effect). (Although changing this could break things for those who have custom sized fonts at each resolution to work around this supposed bug?)
TextFields using TTFonts should scale according to the current scale (and scaling mode). Here is a simple application. Can you run it with different device resolutions? And if possible, can you post here a simple example that produces your bug.
A code dependency (and fixing up my code to initialize after the logical dimensions are set), seems to have made things work as expected.
Likes: boriskey