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Invalid key to 'next' - Help needed — Gideros Forum

Invalid key to 'next' - Help needed

MellsMells Guru
edited March 2013 in General questions
Hi community,

After 14min of intensive tests. Doesn't seem to be triggered by a specific event...

I’m facing this error :

invalid key to ‘next’
stack tracebkack:
The obvious answer would be "you are iterating through a table and modifying it at the same time" but please read more.
I think I have a good understanding of what this means and how to avoid it usually.
However this time I can’t solve it and it happens very randomly ( = I couldn’t reproduce it).
If my code was wrong, wouldn't my app crash right from the start? (If things were that easy...).

I have spent two days making web searches before asking here.
I nearly spent all night on this.

What I have tried

Based on the Lua Manual and the following resource, this typically happens when :

The behavior of next is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign any value to a non-existent field in the table. You may however modify existing fields. In particular, you may clear existing fields.
I have tried to avoid those situations and the app seems to run fine for an undetermined time, under normal conditions (= reasonable amount of objects on screen, simple collisions that happen in a linear way).


Let's say I’m creating a new instance of a “Bug” class every second.
“myBug[1]” is an instance of the Bug class that contains a sprite (myBug[1].sprite) and a box2d body (myBug[1].body).


OnCollision with myPlayer, bugs are destroyed.


The issue

The issue is very hard to reproduce, but “sometimes” an error is raised :

invalid key to ‘next’
stack tracebkack:


This seem to happen when I’m doing stress tests (in that case spawn 3 objects every 400ms), when a lot of collisions are happening at the same time.
I couldn’t reproduce the issue when only a few bugs are on stage.

* Note : Images from the PlanetCute game prototyping assets pack at LostGarden.com

If somebody wants to help me, I believe it’s better if I give as many details as possible

More details

Creating new Bug instances

Every xxx ms, a new Bug instance is created.
I keep a list of all bodies (BODIES_LIST) in order to update their position each frame later.

-- ---------- Create a new Bug instance
function Bug:init()
    -- Add to the list of bodies to update each frame
    BODIES_LIST[self.body] = self   --### Modifying BODIES_LIST


-> Update bodies’ position

-- ---------- Update bodies' position
function MyScene:onEnterFrame()
    world:step(1/60, 8, 3)
    for body, bug in pairs(BODIES_LIST) do  --### Iterating through BODIES_LIST


local function onBeginContact(event)
    -- Test collision
    -- If true, get myBug's value and dispatchEvent
-- MyScene is listening to collisions
world:addEventListener(Event.BEGIN_CONTACT, onBeginContact)
-- Listen to "collision"  and "destroy" events
function Bug:init()
    self:addEventListener("collision", self.onCollision, self)
    self:addEventListener("destroy", self.onDestroy, self)
function Bug:onCollision()      
    -- if collides with background, do nothing
    -- if collides with player, dispatch "destroy" Event

Destroy and free()

function Bug:onDestroy()
    -- Stop 
    self.body:setLinearVelocity(0, 0)       
    -- Free 
    BODIES_LIST[self.body] = nil   --### Modifying BODIES_LIST
    -- Clean body
    self.body = nil
    -- Clean sprite
    self.sprite = nil
    -- Clean self
    self = nil



Even when I’m printing a lot of things in the console, I can’t seem to find where the issue is coming from.
As far as I can see, the only place where I’m iterating through my table is in MyScene:onEnterFrame() :
-- ---------- Update bodies' position
function MyScene:onEnterFrame()
    world:step(1/60, 8, 3)
    for body, bug in pairs(BODIES_LIST) do
But what I don’t understand is why would the app run for several minutes without raising an error and then suddenly it happens (even without user input).

If my code was totally wrong, an error would be raised right from when the app is launched, am I wrong?

Can you help?

I have been stuck with this issue for 2 days and I can’t stand it anymore.
  • Would you have any suggestion so that I could make some progress?
  • Would you make some progress anyway and release your game, knowing that this “should” not happen with a lot fewer objects on screen, and update later when you find out where this issue is coming from?

Thanks to anyone that can contribute.
I’m ready to send a bunch of virtual cookies to thank you!
@ar2rsawseen interested? :)


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twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
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  • BJGBJG Member
    edited March 2013
    Hi @Mells - 10/10 for post formatting. :)

    So...bugs have bodies as well as other attributes, and you have a table of bugs indexed by bodies. You iterate over this and call a function on the bugs. Does this function destroy or modify the bodies in some cases; ie change the table index in the course of the loop...?

    I'm wondering if you could use a table of bugs with a simple numerical index instead. Bugs and bodies are already associated, so you don't need a table that associates them again.

    Likes: Mells

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  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    @Mells it's really hard to tell, all seems legit, but +1 to @BJG even if it won't solve the problem, it's much faster to loop through indexed array as:
    local bug
     for i = 1, #BODIES_LIST do
        bug = BODIES_LIST[i]
        bug(bug.body:getPosition()) -- actually I don't understan how this one works, but that was in your code <img class="emoji" src="https://forum.gideros.rocks/resources/emoji/smile.png" title=":)" alt=":)" height="20" />

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  • MellsMells Guru
    edited March 2013
    hey friends

    @BJG, @ar2rsawseen

    Does this function destroy or modify the bodies in some cases; ie change the table index in the course of the loop...?
    Sorry I made a mistake while I was trying to simplify my code.
    bug:setPosition(bug.body:getPosition())  -- and not bug(bug.body:getPosition())
    So basically the list is not modified here, only the position of the bodies (and their parent 's object) are updated.
    The position change will make some bodies to collide, an event is dispatched to the parent object (instance of Bug). Depending on the type of collision, the Bug instance dispatches a detroy event.
    When destroyed, the BODIES_LIST list is modified.
    I'm wondering if you could use a table of bugs with a simple numerical index instead.
    I see, that's the first time I use box2D, so I looked at the example that is shipped with Gideros (Collision detection) and thought it was the best way to do it (see below).
    local function createBox(x, y, name)
    	local body = world:createBody{type = b2.DYNAMIC_BODY, position = {x = x, y = y}}
    	actors[body] = sprite
    local function onEnterFrame()
    	world:step(1/60, 8, 3)
    	for body,sprite in pairs(actors) do
    		sprite:setRotation(body:getAngle() * 180 / math.pi)

    10/10 for post formatting
    thank you, I know it's time-consuming for forum members to read/scan and answer.
    A good presentation makes it easier.

    I will try iterating through an indexed array.
    The problem is that sometimes I have to play for more than 20 minutes to trigger the error, which is very frustrating (it's always triggered the moment that I think my problem is solved).

    thank you again I will post an update later.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • Update : .. the error is still here.
    This night will be long, again. :|

    thank you for your help, and if anybody comes up with a suggestion I can not tell how much I'm interested to hear about it.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited March 2013
    @Mells Are you using the latest version of Gideros? Because with the latest version you can see where (name of .lua file and line number) this error occurs. For example, here is a sample code that causes this error:
    local t = {a = 1}
    for k,v in pairs(t) do
    	t.a = nil
    	t.b = 2
    When I execute this code with latest version of Gideros, I can get this error:
    invalid key to 'next'
    stack traceback:
    	main.lua:2: in main chunk
    The name of .lua file and line number can help a lot while tracking the problem.

    Likes: gorkem, Mells

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  • phongttphongtt Guru
    edited March 2013
    Maybe this line:
    -- Free 
        BODIES_LIST[self.body] = nil   --### Modifying BODIES_LIST
    conflicts with the iteration:
    for body, bug in pairs(BODIES_LIST) do  --### Iterating through BODIES_LIST
    Just a guess, don't blame me (haven't coded for years) :-\"

    Likes: Mells

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  • BJGBJG Member
    edited March 2013
    I looked at the example that is shipped with Gideros (Collision detection) and thought it was the best way to do it
    (I don't know much about Box 2D, but it sounds to me like in the built-in example, sprites and bodies are separate things which are associated via a table to give a set of "actor" pairs; whereas in your game the body is a property of the bug so you don't need the table for that.)

    If you've now changed the code to avoid "pairs", maybe you could post up the new version...

    Likes: Mells

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  • MellsMells Guru
    edited March 2013
    Are you using the latest version of Gideros?
    I was on version .09, updating to .10 gave me more informations thank you for the work done :D
    gtween.lua:80: in function <.../gtween.lua:73>
    Actually I am destroying my objects after a gtween is completed (alpha fade out animation). The error might come from that delay... but I have no idea why this happens so randomly.

    Just a guess, don't blame me (haven't coded for years)
    thank you for suggesting something :)
    In that case I think the error would be raised right when the first instances are created. But I am not sure.

    Those are simplified versions of my current files.
    I have added the fact that I am destroying objects after the end of a tween animation, I didn't think it was relevant but it seems that I was wrong.

    -- ---------- Create a new Bug instance
    function Bug:init()
        -- Add to the list of bodies to update each frame


    -- ---------- Update bodies' position
    function MyScene:onEnterFrame()
        world:step(1/60, 8, 3)
        local bug
        for i = 1, #BODIES_LIST, 1 do  --### Iterating through BODIES_LIST
            bug = ACTORS_BODIES_LIST[i]
            body = bug.body


    -- Listen to "collision"  and "destroy" events
    function Bug:init()
        self:addEventListener("collision", self.onCollision, self)
        self:addEventListener("destroy", self.onDestroy, self)
    function Bug:onCollision()      
        -- if collides with background, do nothing
        -- if collides with player, dispatch "destroy" Event
            self.animTween = GTween.new(self, .6, {y = self:getY() - 30, alpha = 0})				
            if not(self.animTween == nil) then
    		self.animTween.onComplete = function()	

    Destroy & free()

    function get_key_for_value( t, value )
         local k, v
         for k,v in pairs(t) do
              if v==value then return k end
         return nil
    function Bug:onDestroy()
        -- Free 
        local id = get_key_for_value(ACTORS_BODIES_LIST, self)
        table.remove(ACTORS_BODIES_LIST, id)	
        -- Clean body
        self.body = nil
        -- Clean sprite
        self.sprite = nil
        -- Clean self
        self = nil

    I really appreciate the help, thank you all.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • fxonefxone Member

    Just a guess, don't blame me (haven't coded for years) :-\"
    @phongtt do you say serious? are you sitting only on the cash at Guava?! :D
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited March 2013
    gtween.lua:80: in function <.../gtween.lua:73>
    damn.. I'm supposed to fix it. I've been searching for this GTween bug for a long time.

    @fxone :))

    Likes: fxone

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  • MellsMells Guru
    edited March 2013
    @fxone -> @phongtt is showing us the way :)

    Ah? Do you mean that there is a (small) possibility that the error is not coming from my own code?

    Likes: fxone

    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @Mells I think there is big possibility that the bug is because of GTween and not coming from your code :) Wait for my fix :)

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  • [-O<
    If that's the case, it will *really* be a weight lifted off my shoulder.
    I am awaiting for the fix :D
    I've been searching for this GTween bug for a long time.
    Does it mean you have an idea how to fix it now?
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @Mells oh yes. the line number (gtween.lua:80) is what I was searching for.

    thank you and I'm sorry about wasting your time for all night :-\"
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited March 2013
    thank you and I'm sorry about wasting your time for all night
    No worries, we can say that this time was helpful if we could find the bug, and it will benefit all Gideros users :)
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • @Mells, @atilim, I too am experiencing this problem but only very intermittently. I also think it is to do with GTween as it only seems to occur if I have a background tween running (a looping button "pulse" animation).

    Looking forward to a fix.

    best regards
  • @Mells, @atilim, this has happened in my debugging five times today. I now think it's rather a show stopper for me.

    It always happens on scene changes (although scene manager doesn't use tweens). However, that is the time I force a GC. I wonder if that is something to do with it.

    Any news about the fix?

    best regards
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    @bowerandy this issue is in my urgent TODO list but I couldn't get to it yet. please wait a little bit more.
  • @bowerandy
    I have been waiting patiently for a fix but yes, it has been a showstopper for me since I reported the issue.
    Still wondering why games that have been released didn't experience the issue, as my scene is pretty simple and this is happening very often when doing stress tests.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • bowerandybowerandy Guru
    edited April 2013
    @Mells, I'm trying out the following as a temporary fix.
    function table.copy(t)
    	-- Table shallow copy
    	local u = {}
    	for k, v in pairs(t) do u[k] = v end
    	return setmetatable(u, getmetatable(t))
    and in gtween.lua (line 80):
    	for tween in pairs(table.copy(GTween.tickList)) do
    		tween:setPosition(tween._position + (tween.useFrames and    
                          GTween.timeScaleAll or dt) * tween.timeScale)
    It's obviously rather inefficient but I haven't had a crash for two hours now. Perhaps you could try a similar fix and report back?

    best regards
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited April 2013
    I will try as soon as I get the chance (currently away from home for a few days so can not guarantee it happens soon). Thank you for the alternative.
    Hopefully @atilim will have come up with a magic trick before I get the chance to test your code.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited April 2013
    @bowerandy yes, that can be a temporary solution.

    @bowerandy, @Mells One question: Are you calling GTween.stopAll() function anywhere? If so, that may be the problem and fix is easy.
  • @atilim, my project does not have a call to stopAll() in it.

    best regards
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited April 2013
    After some hours looking at code, now I'm clueless.

    @bowerandy I'll use your way to fix it but it's possible to make without creating a new table in each frame.

    First create a local table for that purpose (You can put it at gtween.lua:66):
    local copyTickList = {}

    And change the loop at gtween.lua:80 with:
    	for tween in pairs(GTween.tickList) do
    		copyTickList[#copyTickList + 1] = tween
    	for i=1,#copyTickList do
    		local tween = copyTickList[i]
    		tween:setPosition(tween._position + (tween.useFrames and GTween.timeScaleAll or dt) * tween.timeScale)
    	for i=#copyTickList,1,-1 do
    		copyTickList[i] = nil
    It's fast and doesn't create any tables at each frame.

    Let me organize the code and push it to github.
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    Also I've look at the this code https://github.com/joshtynjala/gtween.lua/blob/master/gtween.lua shamelessly :-\" It also creates a copy of that table at each frame.
  • @atilim
    Are you calling GTween.stopAll() function anywhere? If so, that may be the problem and fix is easy.
    In my scene GTween.stopAll() is never called before the issue happens (I use GTween.stopAll() to activate pause mode, only on user interaction).
    Let me organize the code and push it to github.
    Do you mean that this GTween.lua file will be updated in the coming days with a fix?
    Also you both describe @bowerandy as a temporary solution, what are its limitations?

    @atilim : I don't get the technical, so my question is : is it safe to use it in production and does it solve the issue in all cases?
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • bowerandybowerandy Guru
    edited April 2013
    @Mells, I haven't seen any (confirmed) reoccurrence of the problem since I installed that fix but it has only been a couple of days. I say confirmed because I have seen a couple of crashes in a deployed app but I don't know what caused these. They could be normal Lua errors so I'm currently trying to add a stack trace to the report I get from Crittercism (crash logger) so I can see what's going on.

    I haven't noticed any slow down with that fix (the table.copy version).

    best regards
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    Hi all,

    Sorry for late reply. I've pushed the fix on github: https://github.com/gideros/GTween

    The only unimportant downside of @bowerandy's approach is creating a table with each frame. I've just improved his solution a little bit.

  • @atilim, thanks. I hadn't seen any further issues with my fix in place. I've now switched to using yours and will report back if I see anything further. Let's hope not!

    best regards
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