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Hope it's not too late for Snow — Gideros Forum

Hope it's not too late for Snow

ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
edited January 2012 in Code snippets
We were using a snow effect in one of our apps, to set up the mood, so I decided to port it to Gideros mobile and here is the result: Configurable Snow object

Usage is simple, include file in project and:
    image = 'images/snowflake.png',
    fallingTime = 20000,
    flakeInterval = 600,
    flakeSize = 20,
    sizeDelta = 5,
    easing = easing.outSine,
    fadeOut = true,
    shrink = true,
    rotate = true,
    autoStart = true,
    parent = stage
All dependencies included in example project.

Would like to get feedback, mostly on optimization and effeciency part. Seems to be running normal and probably even does not require optimization, still would like to know if I'm doing something completely wrong. :)

Likes: gorkem, atilim

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