Hello, If you start ElephantBath (Gideros game) and go to page 2 (girl on het knees before window) and you press on the left bird multiple times you get a white screen (iPhone 3GS OS 5)... Do more people have this issue?
I want to learn your opinion about this issue: In a published application, what should be the Gideros's behaviour if a Lua error occurs? - exit from the application, so the users can tell you about the crashing and you can fix the error with the next update - try to ignore the error and continue
Chances are; maybe the developer cannot find the issue with Lua, and would like to ignore the problem and go on executing. In this case, an exit would be a bad option with him.
If possible, this could be an optional parameter like exit_on_error(true|false) that developer can decide on his own.
Cute book
I want to learn your opinion about this issue: In a published application, what should be the Gideros's behaviour if a Lua error occurs?
- exit from the application, so the users can tell you about the crashing and you can fix the error with the next update
- try to ignore the error and continue
- exit from the application
is the best option for now i think.
I would think that most Lua errors would cause some program problem anyway, so it would be safer to crash.
If possible, this could be an optional parameter like exit_on_error(true|false) that developer can decide on his own.