Hi all. I am making a game now and I have a problem on some devices.
My game uses some sprites and also lots of physics.
the problem is that when i run my game on some slower devices although it starts ok, an it runs with 60fps when the camera scale is 1, after i pinch to zoom (camera scale to 0.6) the frame rate drops to 32 fps.
is that because i have lots of images and physics on stage and the program tries to render all at the same time?
for information there are about 200 sprites and more than the half of them are dynamic objects.
Are 200 sprites a lot to render?
thanks in advance and sorry for my english...
logical dimensions 1280 x 800
fps 60
parallaxing background (each tile is 1280 x its height (not all the same))
it the level above ive used 5 tiles for the background so the level width is (5*1280) = 6400 pixels wide
every piece you see on the foreground is dynamic object
You can try of change it to 30fps
check this link http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/2902/30-or-60-fps/p1
and with respect to background dimension my suggestion is that you see this link
and if you want improve your code, follow this topic
I hope this can help you
[-] Liasoft
I checked the links you ve sent me. The phone I was testing at the time was a Galaxy s3. I didnt know that on power saving state it drops the frame rate.
On some other devices it runs smoothly and well.
So I will make some adjustments to my code and send the results.