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hello from the holo — Gideros Forum

hello from the holo

HolonistHolonist Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce yourself
Hi all,

Since I joined this forum about half a year ago, I think it's time to finally introduce myself.
Some of you may already 'know' me as I've been kind of active here recently (inluding some more, some less brainy comments).

My gaming days started with stuff like SkiFree and SpaceInvaders, when I was 5 or so. The addiction didn't start much later with classical counter-strike (only vs bots as i had no internet) and diablo2.

In my teen years I went trough numerous hobbies, to name the most important ones: basketball, writing, music production with synthesizers, gaming (ofc) and lastly programming.

Apart from basic JAVA programming courses I learned HTML/css, some JS, some PHP/MySQL and obviously Lua.
I'm still coding in all of the above every now and then, but most of the time I'm working on one of my Gideros games, which I usually never finish (sadly).

My current situation is not that good. I'm 23, I have to commute for a total of three hours every day and I don't really like my job (Sysadmin apprentice). I also see my family about once a year (doesn't really bother me but it's noteable). I'd like to code and play more. But yeah, that's life as they say, and times might change to the better.

That's it for now, I guess.
If you're interested in what I'm doing, you could check out my Facebook page


Likes: talis

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  • Hey now you deserve a big welcoming hug >:D<
    Of course it is just a joke, that you just deserved it just now:D You already got it from me with your shares and discussions before secretly, but now i am announcing my hug >:D<

    From my experiences you have the right logic about life. Unfortunately lots of people should have to do the things that either they hate or doesn't like to do so much. So as you stated this is life . But there will be a flaw , bug in this logic if you will not do something, i mean something try to change it. Despite all your efforts trying to change things ,life can put you in a worse situation, and those times need to backup a little bit, gather your strength and try again or change your course, try to reach the same goal from a different path.
    As i said this is how i see things as in 34 years old now. Maybe when i will age a little bit more, my way of seeing, judging things can change again, as it changed a lot before :D

    Wish you best luck in your life and your game . I am sure it will finish and we can be the first testers :D

    Likes: Holonist

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