The event will be in Ankara, 13 May.
STEAMWIN is a platform that brings STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) students, academics and ICT professionals for inspiration and networking in Turkey. Our goal is to inspire young women to pursue technical careers and to support their career treasure hunt with workshops, networking and mentoring.
For more information, please follow this link: To watch online events, please follow is a TurkishWIN initiative. All events will be in Turkish.
ABOUT TURKISHWIN:Turkish Women’s International Network (TurkishWIN) is a global sisterhood network for social change with chapters in Ankara, Istanbul, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Zurich, Washington DC and London. Our vision is to inspire and connect whole-hearted women leaders of today and tomorrow in Turkey and abroad. Our mission is to provide a story telling platform for women to enable the exchange of ideas, networks and experiences with our motto "If she did it, so can you!" The five-year old TurkishWIN platform has 600+ members and a community of 20.000 women and men in Turkey and abroad. Members include professionals, academics, entrepreneurs, change makers, artists and students who share four core values: curiosity, generosity, courage, accountability and authenticity. TurkishWIN programs include WEB TV Talks, events, mentoring and campusWIN programs. For more information and TurkishWIN talks, please visit: