I am using a rendertarget of my world (classic+ normal map) to apply normalmap shader on a mesh.
Everything is fine until I use a device with a screen resolution higher than my project settings, which should load bigger textures. I'd say it does load them because the texture memory increase exponentially, and the rendertarget size increase with them. but then something happens and there is a quality loss.
See screenshot comparison attached: the images come from the same device at the same zoom level. Highest quality portion doesn't use normal map shader.
It's easy to see the difference, even if the bus texture is different: take a look at the road lines for example (lighting is different because the shader was working).
Any suggestion on how to avoid this and/or why is it happening?
The shader I am using is pretty much the one from the normal map example.
Thank you
Would you be able to provide us code that demontsrate the issue ? I have no idea about what is happening here, I'd like to see it by myself and tinker with the code to get an idea.