Hey guys,
I've been playing around with Affinity Designer by Serif for the past few days. It's pretty amazing, and it's just come out in open beta for Windows. So, it's FREE at the moment! I highly recommend that you try it out. I'm going to use it as my main graphics design app in the future. It's a bit buggy in places, but it's very powerful. It's crashed a few times, but it managed to recover the files. Make sure you save often!! I'd be interested in your thoughts / opinions.
I've been using Inkscape for many years. However, the development lifecycle is very slow and the features are lagging behind. As an alternative, Affinity Designer combines vector and pixel drawing into one app. The export features are pretty cool, too. Oh, and the paid version will be about $50.
Here's a link to sign up.
Likes: MikeHart
Also others thing you'd expect, including pixel perfect viewing, vector editing tools, advanced text editing, drop shadows, pattern fills, blur and more.
Sounded like a sales pitch there, but it's just my experience. It doesn't do pixel level bitmap editing, so I still use Photoshop for that.