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Hello — Gideros Forum


MikeJensenMikeJensen Member
edited April 2012 in Introduce yourself
Hi, I'm a new Gideros Mobile user. I've been writing software since the mid-1980s and have no idea how many different languages I've used, but I've not used Lua before except when evaluating other Lua-based mobile platforms. My day job is writing C# and ASP.NET systems. My first impressions of GM are very good. I like that you can take an OO approach when using GM. This community seems excellent and the examples and templates are very useful. I'll stay in touch :)

Let me start with a simple question. The "Export" function on the menu. Do I assume correctly that that is used to create the final app for copying to the device and app store, etc? Also, it is available only for paid-up users? (I imagine that is the case but I'm just checking in case I have a config problem or something). Thanks.

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