Hi, i am new here, and i want to get more into mobile development, since its fun and i think i am not fixed in a mobile game project for like a half year, like it was with bigger desktop game projects i had before.
I tried almost all "cross platform development targeting mobile thingies.
And it seems like i am landed here now, since gideros was the first one where i really was able to test stuff in my android phone very fast, and also it got a complete IDE, and all that is needfully.
Ty very much for this!
I come from Desktop/Windows game programming, made some 2d and 3D games and libraries with OpenGL and C++/BlitzMax and some Java bukkit plugin/spoutcraft plugin stuff, so this is somewhat new to me to work with small 2d stuff and that touch stuff.but well im ok with lua, since i make a lua api for my own actual bigger 3d game project (map generator, mission scripting, ai Behavior etc).
Look forward to reading your posts.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill