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I'm Having some issues using the Gideros Player on Android — Gideros Forum

I'm Having some issues using the Gideros Player on Android

Ozkar619Ozkar619 Member
edited May 2012 in General questions
First of all, I need to say thanks!: I've been using and learning Gideros since the last two months and I've got to say that I'm impressed. The community is really helpful and the tutorials and examples posted couldn't be better. I've got to say I've never thought someone could mix the simplicity of Flash code and the stability and performance of native code, until I found Gideros.

Yesterday i read about the Gideros Android Player (I literaly had to import everything to eclipse and then compile it to the apk to test my game every minimal change I did) so I felt really relieved. But sadly, I'm having this issue: I installed the Gideros Player on my Phone (LG Optimus Black), and when getting back the IP Adress and writing it into Gideros IDE, the play button doesn't turn green. I'm not sure of what to do, since I've been looking for issues alike, and there was one that said that I needed to activate WLAN, and I'm actually connected to the same WIFI as my PC, but nothing happens.

Sorry for the small issue, I'm not that used to ask for questions (I preffer looking for answers) but I'm having this problem since yesterday, and perhaps I'm really interested in watching this work, it would take out of my back lots of time. (generating an apk every 20 minutes is not that funny after the first month).

Well, I hope you could help me out, and thanks in advance.

Ignore this question, Found the problem.
It appears that my lack of sleep made me write a wrong IP adress.. I wrote 192.168.0.x instead of 192.168.1.x and couldn't notice until now.

Thanks anyway.

-Oscar Obeso


  • SatheeshJMSatheeshJM Member
    edited May 2012
    THAT is one bloody irritating problem!!! That 192.168.0.x I mean!
    Has occurred to me lots of times (not specifically in Gideros.. in many cases)

    Likes: Ozkar619

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