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Blank screen between Gideros splash image and game screen? — Gideros Forum

Blank screen between Gideros splash image and game screen?

DudDud Member
edited May 2012 in General questions

I'm just about ready to publish my app to the App store but had a question. With the free version of Gideros there is a splash screen which fades away to black - after which there is about a 3 second gap before my game's main screen loads.

I thought at first this was because I was loading a large amount of data but I placed a print statement as my very first line of code and there is still a gap of about 3 seconds between the Gideros logo and my game screen.

Is this normal and expected? I'm worried the players will think something has gone wrong - if I could at least put a "Loading.." message or something there that would be useful.

Does this delay appear in the paid for version of Gideros?

One other question (sorry!) can anyone tell me if it is ok to place a hyperlink to my website on the credits screen or does this go against Apples guidelines? I can't seem to find anything in their docs about this.



  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Yes, it's normal and expected. There's a delay of 3 seconds for splash screen in the free version. There are no delays, no splash screens with the paid version (which, you are encouraged to purchase a copy to help us develop Gideros Studio ;-)

    A hyperlink to your website on the credits screen shouldn't violate any rules.
  • DudDud Member
    Excellent - thank you very much
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