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Textured paths, shapes and memory usage — Gideros Forum

Textured paths, shapes and memory usage

LoboLobo Member
edited October 2012 in General questions
I've been trying extensively in the last days the technique of filling Shape objects with texture patterns, and changing the path geometry in runtime to see different parts of the image or to add new parts to what you can see on stage following mouse movement.

Actually for what I'm doing right now I'm only using 1 Shape object and many different paths that I create with the usual beginPath()...moveTo()...lineTo()...endPath() stuff.

That unique Shape object has a textured fill style with a texture image and at the same time I'm controlling memory usage with the function monitorMem provided by atilim a long time ago...

The texture image I'm using right now for my tests is actually quite big (1024x768, my entire stage), but actually it could be tiled easily.

My question is about memory usage and performance. As I don't create any new object, and I'm just adding paths, my memory level keeps low and perfectly stable all the time. I guess adding path coordinates is a very cheap activity in memory terms too. Besides, the texture image is already loaded and during this process I don't add any other texture, I'm just showing different parts of it creating paths on the fly, so I've always imagined that is also ok in terms of texture memory.

First of all I wanted to confirm if my assumptions are right until here...

And secondly, I'm using Gideros last version (2012.08.4) on Windows XP (!). Everything works fine and the program works fast and very smooth, but from time to time the desktop Player crashes in what seems to be random moments while performing the mentioned tasks...

Is that normal? Is there a limit to create paths, I'm actually creating a lot of them because they are quads following mouseMove positions...

Thanks in advance for your expertise in this matter !
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