I'm trying to get collision detection (box2D) working... right now without success
I want to check if a chain (some revolute joints) hits a certain sprite. I just want to check the detection for this sprite right now. It has it's own class as you can see in the source code below and tries to get the CONTACT_BEGIN event but it does not seem to work.
I've taken a look at several samples in the forum and docs but I don't see a mistake in my code. A promising link in the wiki has been deleted
this is my code of the sprite class:
filename : Points.lua
Points = Core.class(Sprite)
function Points:init()
self.Counter = 1
self.CollisionCounter = 0
self.MaxCollisions = 5
self:addEventListener(Event.BEGIN_CONTACT, self.onCollision, self)
self:addEventListener(Event.END_CONTACT, self.onCollisionEnd, self)
function Points:create(actors, fixtureDef, b2, world, stage)
local ground = world:createBody({})
local shape = b2.CircleShape.new()
shape:set(0.5, 0.5, 15)
local myFixtureDef = {shape = shape, density = 1, restitution = 0.2}
local bodyDef = {type = b2.DYNAMIC_BODY, position = {x = 260, y = 360}}
local body = world:createBody(bodyDef)
function Points:onCollision()
self.CollisionCounter = self.CollisionCounter + 1
if (self.MaxCollisions <= self.CollisionCounter) then
--creating timer to delay removing bodies
--1 milisecond
--Timer.delayedCall(1, function()
--remove bodies
-- world:destroyBody(bodyA)
-- world:destroyBody(bodyB)
function Points:onCollisionEnd()
self.CollisionCounter = self.CollisionCounter - 1
end |
this is the code from main.lua
local points = Points.new()
points:create(actors, fixtureDef, b2, world, stage)
... |
When I write something like this in the main.lua it works
local function bla()
world:addEventListener(Event.BEGIN_CONTACT, bla) |
But this gives me all collisions and I just want to get the collision of one sprite and I want to handle it in the Point class.
Many thanks in advance
What you can do is set up global collision handler in main lua and then based on colliding objects, call different handler functions.
For example:
inside Points:create add to the last line
body.object = self
And here is a great tutorial on collision filters:
Likes: gyrosp
... and thank's for the link, too!