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Gideros studio loses connection to device — Gideros Forum

Gideros studio loses connection to device

Tom2012Tom2012 Guru
edited December 2012 in General questions
I'm having trouble maintaining a connection between my mac and my device.

Basically the little blue play icon is grayed out and I have to do things like...

Turn wifi on / off
Add static ip
Turn device off and on

Are there any tips for keeping the connection alive, or establishing it in the first place?




  • a typical session includes IPs and ports and multiple sessions over same IPs may vary ports used. In case you have power management of your network cards/devices it is possible to have this trouble. On the devices side i can tell about IOS device: no matter if it goes power save it still connects perfectly well. My setup for tests is Win7 and Ipod Touch 4th gen. Never been in such problem but the network card of my PC or the router never enters power save mode.
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