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Run License Manager from behind a proxy? — Gideros Forum

Run License Manager from behind a proxy?

gudygudy Member
edited December 2012 in General questions
I can't get the License to update since I am behind a proxy. Does License manager support proxies?


  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    What kind of a proxy is it? We tested with a proxy and didnt encounter an issue.
  • Forefront TMG. Does it try and use the settings on the system? We do require authentication as well.


  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Not sure about this proxy. Gideros Studio works on port 80 to connect to outside world to check license and relies on system configuration. There are no specific authentication configuration dialogbox in IDE.

    You'll need a license while exporting so you can safely work with free version until you export to APK/IPA and then find a method (e.g tethering etc) to update your license. This gives you greater flexibility I believe.
  • could you give me the server url or address for the license check? I could then add it to our proxy to allow connections.
  • gorkemgorkem Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    License check is done via www.giderosmobile.com
  • We changed the proxy to not require authentication on that address and it worked. Not sure many will have the same issue, but since you do already support proxy in the app, you might think of adding the authentication piece somewhere down the road. Thanks for the help.

  • How does it work for proxy? does it use the IE settings or is there a method to define one? in our company we use 8080 as a proxy port for internal access to outside world, so far I have been unable to get the License Manager working. Funny that Corona works, but they have a configuration that will allow me to enter our proxy details.
    REAL programmers type copy con filename.exe
  • Well My workaround FYI, I plugged in a WiFi to by pass the proxy and use the internet directly, after it authorise, I went back to the network, so it only needs it to authorise, so this is workable, and if you are thinking of disabling your proxy, or entering rules, just do it for that short moment, and then revert.
    REAL programmers type copy con filename.exe
  • I had message boy popped up saying "Failed to connect to the server. Error code:99". What could that mean?
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Unfortunately can't tell, except that something went wrong:
    Error code 99: an unknown network-related error was detected

    But it does not seem to be a proxy error either

    1 the remote server refused the connection (the server is not accepting requests)
    2 the remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed
    the remote host name was not found (invalid hostname)
    4 the connection to the remote server timed out
    5 the operation was canceled via calls to abort() or close() before it was finished.
    6 the SSL/TLS handshake failed and the encrypted channel could not be established. The sslErrors() signal should have been emitted.
    7 the connection was broken due to disconnection from the network, however the system has initiated roaming to another access point. The request should be resubmitted and will be processed as soon as the connection is re-established.
    8 the connection was broken due to disconnection from the network or failure to start the network.
    9 the background request is not currently allowed due to platform policy.
    101 the connection to the proxy server was refused (the proxy server is not accepting requests)
    102 the proxy server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed
    103 the proxy host name was not found (invalid proxy hostname)
    104 the connection to the proxy timed out or the proxy did not reply in time to the request sent
    105 the proxy requires authentication in order to honour the request but did not accept any credentials offered (if any)
    201 the access to the remote content was denied (similar to HTTP error 401)
    202 the operation requested on the remote content is not permitted
    203 the remote content was not found at the server (similar to HTTP error 404)
    204 the remote server requires authentication to serve the content but the credentials provided were not accepted (if any)
    205 the request needed to be sent again, but this failed for example because the upload data could not be read a second time.
    301 the Network Access API cannot honor the request because the protocol is not known
    302 the requested operation is invalid for this protocol
    99 an unknown network-related error was detected
    199 an unknown proxy-related error was detected
    299 an unknown error related to the remote content was detected
    399 a breakdown in protocol was detected (parsing error, invalid or unexpected responses, etc.)
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