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Changing the parent of a sprite [solved] — Gideros Forum

Changing the parent of a sprite [solved]

Tom2012Tom2012 Guru
edited December 2012 in General questions
Been trying to figure out how to change the parent of a sprite.

After some playing around today I think I've got it.

If you use addChild on a sprite that's already a child of another sprite, does it then cease being a child of the former sprite and become a child of the one you just specified?

Hope that didn't sound like jibberish! :-)

EDIT: Yes, this is in the reference.

"Sprites can have only one parent. Therefore if you add a child object that already has a different sprite as a parent, the sprite is removed from the child list of the other sprite and then added to this sprite."

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  • Don't forget that you can save the index of your child before adding it to another parent.
    Returns the index of the specified child sprite.
    That will come in handy when you need to return your sprite/child to his original parent.
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