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Problems with texture filtering — Gideros Forum

Problems with texture filtering

Tom2012Tom2012 Guru
edited January 2013 in General questions
At the moment I'm setting the anti alias to true when bringing in my textures:

local atlas2 = TexturePack.new("Atlases/Atlas 2.txt", "Atlases/Atlas 2.png",true);

But I've hit problems...

Some sprites look better with and some without anti-aliasing.

Here's a screen grab from by game, the image on the left is with anti alias off, the one on the right us using it.

The grass is much smoother on the left, yet the skull is much more defined on the right image.

I could split images between two texture packs, ones that look better with and ones that look better without, but this seems like a long winded way of working.

Anyone else find this? Am I missing something?

Thank you!
1000 x 284 - 262K


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