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UIScrollView won't scroll? (WAX) — Gideros Forum

UIScrollView won't scroll? (WAX)

ljp1203ljp1203 Member
edited January 2013 in General questions

I am using HotWax by @bowerandy.

I need some help. When I add a UIScrollView to my app, it won't scroll. It shows up, but it won't scroll when I touch it.

Would anyone know the problem?

Lead Coder and Designer


  • This is how I add a scrollView over the whole view
    --get view size
    scrollRect = self:view():frame()
    --make scrollView same size
    self.scroll = UIScrollView:initWithFrame(scrollRect)
    --Don't forget to set how big your content is
    self.scroll:setContentSize(CGSize(320, 550))
    --add the scrollView to the view

    Then when adding things to the scrollview I use
    --make button
    self.newBtn = UIButton:buttonWithType(UIButtonTypeRoundedRect)
    --set size and position
    self.newBtn:setFrame(CGRect(100, 100, 60,30))
    --add to scroll view

    Because if you just add them to the view itself they wont scroll.
    Also the content size must be bigger than the scrollview in at least the x or the y or it wont scroll.

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