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Troubleshooting random crashes on Android devices? — Gideros Forum

Troubleshooting random crashes on Android devices?

PaulHPaulH Member
edited February 2013 in General questions
Hey, all. I'm new to Gideros, about 2 weeks into developing a 2D port from a previously published 3D Windows game. I'm really happy with Gideros, making much more rapid progress than when I've done app development in Eclipse or Xcode directly, at least until yesterday. The game is currently mostly done and playable. It runs fine in the Gideros Player, on a Samsung Galaxy Tab, and on a Kindle Fire.

The problem is that the app crashes randomly on a Droid X phone, usually within 30 seconds. Earlier test builds worked fine on the phone, but now it's very unstable. It may crash at startup, in mid-game, or even on a menu screen with nothing going on but waiting for an event (a button click to start or continue a game.) I've added a step logging function to maintain a file of the last 10 steps, and I'm logging things like the entry and exit into functions to try to find a pattern in the crashes. At startup the game displays shows the last 10 steps logged from the previous run, and all that's told me is that the crashes don't happen at any consistent part of the code, and evidently not in any of my functions at all. The last entry is generally a 'leaving function x' message, so it would seem to be failing in some of the Gideros code.

Has anyone seen anything like this, or can anybody offer any ideas about how to get to the bottom of it?

Paul H


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